#2 24.11.16 Bereavement

Seba from Spring talks about her coping strategies for bereavement and that support is out there if you need it.

Sometimes when you suffer from stress and/or depression, the things you enjoy take a back seek.  Once you recognise things are not right then you need to start to use the things you know make you happy as a crutch to help you on your way to recovery.  The big three on there own won’t cure you but they will assist you.  The three things are: get outside (fresh air and nature), get some exercise and be social.  Try those to get yourself on track and importantly be brave and seek help!

Stress Support Soiree on 26th

Find out more about Spring.

What has Seba been doing and what are the plans for this week?  She tells you whilst out riding on the moor on Hamish the Highland!

Free weekly support for parents, psychotherapy and counselling, tutoring for children and free events such as the Stress Support Soiree.  Find out more …